Thursday 17 July 2014

Matthew 2

Could it be that Joseph was afraid to go back to Judea, then he prayer, and then in a dream he was warned to withdrew to the district of Galilee. Because if that was the case. Then God allowed men to have a say in the path that was already carved out for men.
"and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets. "He will be called a Nazarene." (Matthew 2:23)

Whenever I am uncertain about the road to take, I should come before Him earnestly and just ask Him to reveal a little bit more so I can map out my way better.

Wednesday 16 July 2014


Everyone wants a restart at some points in their life.
I wanted one now.
There are many times when I choose to run away, but a STOP sign stood in front of me.
It forced me to go back and faced whatever it is that I should stand up to.
That is... the GRACE of God.
Giving me no other ways out, except through the front door.
"Don't RUN, don't ESCAPE," He said
"I placed these people here to train you, so you can better do the work of God."

I remembered God's promise to David,
"I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, who will come from your own body, and I will establish his kingdom... I will establish his kingdom."

I read Matthew 1 and asked, "Why does Jesus have to come under the heritage of David?"

Because of the promise that was previously given to David...
David's line is the only line that can be considered the line of royalty. It is not something that can be changed.

When God make a promise, He make sure it is fulfilled.

It is as if I need to start this process of learning all over again.
i AM a worshipper.
i AM called to lead.
i AM to love.
i AM to be brave.
i AM to be greater.

So as a little pledge I said to myself, "Arise and go on. He goes with you."

Tuesday 1 July 2014

July 1st Prayer

Dear God
I have trouble talking to you.
So I am texting you right now.
I have not been the most faithful servant recently.
You know that.
I have been lazy; just drifting through life as if I have all the time in the world, but I know I don't.
I asked for your grace to keep moving.
In "Spiritual Java" by Bill Johnson et al. Banning Liebscher said that grace is "God's empowerment to do what we are called to do."
What's my focus and my centre now God.
I am in the middle of an intersection again.
You know I don't plan ahead--one of my most deadening weakness.
YMCA is over. PA is over. Make-a-wish still in progress, but I haven't been as involved as I wish.
I applied to PDP. I am awaiting my next opportunity.
But what I fear the most God is that during this process I'll miss the target.
You are all I want, and all I need.
I have dedicated a quarter of my life in belief, now I like to dedicate another quarter of my life in service.
But I want to love you Lord, because I know if I don't, nothing else matters.
I know I sway a lot--a little to the left and then a little to the right.
Set my heart straight God.
I like to fall for you, head over heel for you, so that I may have more grace in my life; the confidence of knowing you and your sovereignty.