Friday 28 August 2015

to be continue

Yesterday night, I was greatly disturbed. I woke up to a dream. (It was 3 AM actually.) It was a memory from the past. It was a time when everything seems to be "happy". A time when Lily and David was excited about new things at church. It was a time when I was not trying, I was just simply being a part of a community. We put on a play for Aubrey's sermon.

Just what is it could God do and alternate the reality. I am puzzled and yet anticipating the impact. It is the end time, there's no doubt about that. There are fear in people's eyes. They hold on to a reality that they prefer. But I had this shiver that it is not that simple. In the dark, something is brewing, and the people of God needs to be alert. I was not alert. I was hiding. There are secrets I hold on to. Now I am going to let it go.

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