Thursday 8 January 2015


You see. I am a very sincere person. When I say that I like to talk to you. I really mean it. You always get the first hand news. The problem is I can't tell if you are just being polite or that you actually care. It'd be nice I someone actually care. If it just out of manner, I am still grateful because at least I could pretend someone cares.

Today, I heard that my aunt passed away. When I think of Mommy, I feel sad for her. She is close with her sisters. She had always told me that she had good sisters. They helped each other out. You see my aunts were against my mom and dad getting married. They probably think my dad wasn't good enough for my mom. They weren't wrong. They are good sisters. They watched out for my mom. Even though my mom still rebelled in the end--married and had all of us--they speak honest words.
When I think of my aunts family, I feel sad. They are good person. Their whole family was so nice to us whenever we visit. I heard uncle loves aunty very much. He cares for her very well in the hospital. What I am sad about is the fact that they are going to be missing someone in the family now. Why does bad thing happen to good people? It just that they have to live with this for the rest of their lives.

I hope mommy won't be sad for so long. It's so sad that she'll not be able to see her sister anymore. I think it's very sad when people say goodbye. I don't like saying goodbye. In any case. I really don't.

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