Sunday 22 February 2015

change is treading into unfamiliar territories

How does change occur?
Over the past couple of month, I've changed.
My thoughts are so practical, do determined, and so foreign.
You see, I am most afraid of myself because I am treading into unfamiliar territories.
I want answers though before I continue.
Why am I doing the things I am doing?
What is it that I am doing?
Am I doing it right or wrong?
No, I am not doing drugs or anything like that, but you could say that I am on drugs, not literally, but allegorically.
I think I am on a verge of a new break-through. Things are becoming more clear than ever--black and white. What I can do and what I cannot do. I can't multitask, I realized.
Now, I urge you not to fluctuate. Not to get hurt, please. I beseech you to wait a little longer and see what is unveiled. A couple more month. Start something.

Keep me by your side, God.

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